Keep going.

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I suggest you measure the duration of your planks in seconds. You WILL see the progress. Likewise for treadmill time; the device provides all the metrics. As for weights: bench, squat, deadlift measured by the pound if necessary. Move to the Olympic bar only. And so on, step by step. You WILL progress. It takes months and years but you WILL progress.

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I recognise your feelings Gabriel. I have lost over 100lbs twice in my life and both times I have put it back on. I am about twice your age now so although I am not at my heaviest weight (by a long way) I am still heavier than I should be and age makes it all so much harder. Being under stress makes us use more vitamin B so I also have massive peanut cravings when under pressure (they are full of B) so perhaps a good B complex supplement may be helpful? My best advice which may or may not be helpful to you and your own journey, is to work at maintaining your amazing weight loss for a couple of months. Keep walking, keep moaning it is fucking hard! Keep doing what you're doing but just aim to keep off what you've achieved. Come the Spring you will be full of beans and positivity again and ready to get the next bit of weight off. Well done. It is amazing what you have done so be very proud of yourself ❤️

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Thank you April, I do think you're right that re-calibrating expectations can at least help in the meantime. Your encouragement means a lot to me and I wish you well on your end!

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Learning to maintain a weight is such a valuable skill so do recognise it for the achievement it is. My son is on the same journey as you (he is 28) and his autism means often that his thinking can be very fixed and his negative view of himself does not recognise how amazing his achievements are. You are doing so well and documenting your journey here is an act of real courage, especially the tough times!

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Hi Gabriel! I came upon your writings after listening to your interview w/James Corbett. So very many of your statements resonate with me. I have always struggled with my weight, but especially in the last few years. Unbeknownst to me until recently, I have been dealing with Lyme disease. It explains the constant pain, but starting to treat Lyme doesn't yet do anything for the excess weight I've put on due to inactivity. So, a long road ahead, potentially with joint replacements.

I know the frustration, the shame, the self loathing only too well, for myself, but it always breaks my heart to hear someone else express thise feelings too. I am reduced to tears reading of your struggles.

It's easy to feel like we're all alone with our pain, but we're not. Sometimes, just a brief smile, or a quick 'connect' with another person, is all it takes to set us right again. So, across the airwaves Gabriel, hang in there, keep up the fight! Bathe yourself in good light... (read 'The Power Couple's' substack... they have helped me a LOT with depression!) BEST OF LUCK TO YOU IN YOUR JOURNEY!

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Thank you for your kindness! It's going well and I'm really excited to get strong!

I'm sorry to hear about your pain and Lyme disease. I wish you the best of luck getting well.

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My theories on fat accumulation are largely about your body's sequestoring toxins. If you're losing a lot of weight, you then have a lot of toxins circulating. In a way, it's brilliant that our bodies can adapt that way. At the same time, toxins are negative. You will experience negative emotions as you get them out of your system. Keep going, but make sure you are getting everything bad out. Sweating it out is good if you're up for it. Nature is on your side here.

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Hey Gabe,

Wasn't sure where else to post this. Just letting you know that your recent comment on Mike Yeadon's article was excellent. I wrote a post in support of your comment underneath but the admin (Tim West?) deleted my comment within a few minutes of my posting.

I also called him out on bullying people and cruelty in the comments section.

You were absolutely mobbed - it was a pile on and you were also being spiritually abused. They were doing this to you because you were correct and they do not understand the battlefield - they are delusional.

These people have no idea about digital transformation and digital economy - Most Australians already have digital ID and it is already legislated here and used widely. Same with Iceland, Estonia, and many other countries. There will be no escaping what is happening. It has already happening.

In many places it is literally not possible to have a job, open a bank account, buy/rent a home, etc. without one. One cannont even live in one's car like a hobo without digital ID lol.

Also - you are an unjabbed Canadian and did the hard yards. People need to show some respect for the struggle.

Keep up the good work.

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Gabe, I have faced my own severe health issues. You have articulated my feelings and life here perfectly. You have a gift and I feel like saying: 'hi, are you me?'

I am so, so glad that you decided to publish this. I know what it is like to publish something scary about yourself. I mean, I nearly killed myself last year and wrote about that in December that was read by thousands of people in 83 countries. Every day/minute is a real serious struggle for me. My circadian rhythm is also messed up from what we experienced here during covid - I am hypervigilant at night but I am also a natural night owl. My life, as I knew it, is over. Doctors gaslight me and always want to drug me, and are deeply ignorant.

I guess the one thing that has helped me was not worrying about stuff like 'progress.' If I make it to the pool and can only do 1km and say hello to someone without having a total schizo meltdown that is a massive achievement. I don't care that last week I did 2km. So this is like your broken scale issue. I was so cheered by the photo you took with your trainer - that progress is amazing. I reckon just weigh yourself once a week at the gym. That's the way!

Your physical mobility is exactly like my 'mental mobility' if that makes sense. It's just that people cannot easily see my issue (unless I am acting particularly crazy lol). I used to travel the world to places people had never even heard of. Now I am just as 'immobile' as you are.

I will pray for you right now.

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Thank you so very much. I am very sorry to hear about your troubles. You might really find The latest Kate (https://www.thelatestkate.art/) helpful as I have. One of the ways I work to prevent myself from totally spiraling is to re-visit my movitational memes collection (https://gabe.rocks/sharing/motivation/). Feel free to reach out any time if you ever need to talk. I definitely empathize with having difficulty not "sperging out" on people given how much the last few years has affected me.

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The sperg out is real.

Then, the shame spiral.


I will look at all your memes and suggestions with the utmost appreciation.

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Dont give up yet - it won't be winter forever. I feel ya man. I'm having a damn hard time right now with my own. It's hard w/ no thyroid and being old w/ a "hibernation level" metabolism :) I saw this Mercola article yesterday and am hoping that following some of these suggestions to try to get my metabolism back working at a higher (aka normal) level first before I try to cut calories again (which would not be sustainable) might be a recipe for success. It means it will take longer than a year to lose all I want to lose, but longer term sustainable success would probably be worth it taking an extra 6 months - if this approach will work... https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2025/01/14/sustainable-weight-loss.aspx

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I am definitely not giving up!

You may find this Q&A interesting.


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Thanks, will check it out.

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It’s a very tough Winter for so many people now. Some kinda discontent-y kinda thing. Makes sense. The important point is to stay focused and keep going and that seems like exactly what you’re doing. Keep that up!

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Thank you, I really appreciate the encouragement!

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You’re welcome.

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